
Showing posts from August, 2011

I don't have much to say

I haven't been feeling the best recently...I feel like at least every other day is a bad day...and there's not much I can do about it which is depressing and truthfully I don't like talking about depressing things...I don't want to be a Debbie downer... I do feel like I need to clarify what I mean when I say I have NO ENERGY instead of just saying that let me put it this way...I don't get out of bed much even on a good day...after a shower I have to nap because it wears me out no matter how short a shower I take...if I stand for too long I start to breathe heavy like I have been working out...everything even the littlest things just suck energy out of I don't feel like doing really anything ever but laying on the couch or in bed watching movies and/or reading...that's about all that I can do without feeling dead after a few minutes... I feel like I could stop there but I do want to say something fun or random or whatever so that I am no...

I decided to load this to youtube

and share it with you... My friends made this sweet video for me at camp this year...Adam who is the first one in the video put it all together...then working on the chalk drawing  was Nate who did most of the work and then Adam Nicole Leah and Jordan helped color it friends in the video in order of their appearance are Leah Geoff (who I call G) Betsy Patrick Casie Max Jordan Lance Matthew (who I call Mini) Garrett (or Gar) and Nicole...If they didn't want anyone but me to see it too bad cause I already showed it to my mom my dad and Nicole...and now you...

This is sort of going to be like a double post

First I want to share with you a video from church today of me, my mom, and my dad talking about my health and what our family deals with... While I was talking I also talked about another video that I love... Hopefully Zac's story speaks to you like it does me and reminds you how good God is despite our circumstances and how he really can work through anything... Now that part one is done on to what I want to write about for this week... As many of you know I sleep all the time or at least I am in bed a lot...that's nothing really that new...but I have been thinking about that a little bit...because we have all these pictures from when I was younger were I am sleeping anywhere and everywhere...and when I say anywhere and everywhere I mean it...the most common place I would sleep is on the floor right in the way...I used to wonder why...

We didn't really learn anything new

At the doctors office I'm not really sure what to tell you about it... We learned some new GFR that helps give a better idea of my kidney function...and we learned that they won't start me on dialysis till I am at 10% we learned that if Ashley, my sister, and I are what they call an identical match them I won't have to be on as many meds afterwards which would be sweet...and we met a few new people... Besides that it was pretty much the same old stuff as's sort of funny to me that I say that because I really don't feel like anything was new cause I have been living this for so long...but many of you are probably thinking what the crap does the same old normal stuff mean... I guess I could go into that a little bit...right now they think my kidney function is fluctuating around 20% function which is when they look at putting you on a transplant they did that even though I will probably have a liv...

I didn't post yesterday because...

I went to church and then I went down by the river with some friends for a little praise and worship and then my family went out to Lowell park for a surprise birthday party for Phil who is our friend and who is married to my cousin Lisa...anyways by the time we got home at like 5:30 I fell asleep and didn't wake up again till 11:30-ish...and then quickly fell back asleep... It's kind of frustrating that my shots aren't really working but then again I haven't felt like they have really worked like they should on me ever...but now it also seems that getting a blood transfusion doesn't really do anything that's awesome...seeing both the kidney doctor and the transplant doctor in Peoria on Wednesday so I will let you know how that goes... Before I talk about anything else I want to talk about something that mom and I have become obsessed with...we watch a lot of those dateline and/or 48 hour mystery things...usually when we watch them we take no rea...

Sometimes hearing a good song can turn your whole day around

Has that ever happened to you...where you are just having a crap day and then out of the blue you hear a great song and your crap mood goes away just like happens to me a lot and today it happened for sure... Here's how my day was...I woke up at like 9 as per usual but still didn't want to get out of bed...I only did cause I knew I should get up and take my meds and know the normal soon as I got up thought I knew it wasn't going to be a great day because it was one of those days where I feel like my whole body is full of lead dragging me down making me feel like crap...making me feel like I can't do anything...sapping out all my interest in anything even reading which says a lot cause I love after being up for maybe half an hour I climbed back into bed and slept fitfully until like noon...and the only reason I really got up then is cause my sister called me to ask me a question...normally I would be mad at her for waking me ...

I've said it before

But I'll say it again...I can be pretty boring...I don't really do much during the day ever...recently my days have been filled with sleeping and reading and watching I'm totally a blast to be around...I do love it when my friends come over and do nothing with me though...means a lot to me that people would simply sit with me and chat or watch TV... Sometimes though I almost wish a camera or something would follow me around for a while just so I could show people how I am on an everyday bases...I think it would help set the record straight about something that has been annoying me a lot recently... Here's what has been annoying's nice when people want to encourage me and say nice things about how strong I am or whatever...even though that makes me uncomfortable and makes me feel like I should go do something crazy like run a marathon because the way I see it I am just living my life...what really bugs me though is when people act like I...