Easter Sunday
Let's talk health first so I can get that out of the way...I have been feeling a little weird lately...the past two days when I stand up I feel dizzy and a little like I am going to black out...so that's no fun...I don't want what that's all about...mom is wondering if my hemoglobin is low since my eyes look dark....and I have dark circles around my eyes...so we will see how that all pans out I guess...I have to do a hemoglobin check this week so we will find out if it is that or not...I will not be happy if it is that because we thought we finally had this hemoglobin thing solved and I am on a higher dose of epo...I would be very frustrated and confused if it was my hemoglobin dropping rapidly... Even with that going on today I had a good day...people kept telling me how good I looked in my new dress which is always nice...and I had so much fun at my aunt and uncle's flying kites...I told my parents I should be a professional kite flyer...I'm not really that ...