Over did it
Since we keep getting a lot of questions about the chemo I've been on I will try to address them...I had my last dose on Friday...it takes about 6 hours for the infusion to go in my body and it's so boring...not really painful...they give me Tylenol and Benadryl before hand to help me not have a reaction...that combo makes me super tired and if I don't get sleep...like I didn't the other day I get super cranky...the types of reactions they are trying to prevent is fever upset stomach any type of allergic reaction as well...no I will not lose my hair...it's too low a dose and I only had five doses whereas cancer patients has tons more than that...they put me through the chemo to kill my immune system...they do this so that when it builds back up it will not try to attack my new kidney as much...the immune system only knows the kidney as a foreign object not that it's helping so you have to trick it with chemo and anti-rejection meds...the chemo means that I shoul...