
Showing posts from July, 2013

Grouch-a-saurus rex

I've started this blog post multiple times only to erase it each time...because I'm grouchy and I feel like in everything I write I sound like a major a-hole...I feel sometimes like with this blog I am in a frustrating spot because I want to be truthful about how I feel...and some people have asked me to be truthful about what they can do to help...but sometimes I feel like I have no nice way to put things...and so I don't want to write those things and be a jerk to you all...but I still feel like I should share why I am emotional or whatever... So I guess what I will say this...being personal and having a real relationship with someone...asking them how they are doing...truly wanting to know...wanting to know what is going on in their life is always a good policy...and really listening to what people say too is great...I know that is something I am really trying to work on...I am so good at not really hearing what people say...and also good at twisting people's words...

Mid Week Post

So a few things... I have been having some pain again doctor and nurses don't really seem to be concerned about it...I keep thinking of all the bad things it could be...and I need to take a chill pill...the pain tends to come when I have been putting to much pressure on the incision after long car rides...or when I wake up in the middle of the night laying on that side...not good...sometimes too if I move too quickly there's a pulling feeling that is's been five weeks since transplant which is a long time...and yet isn' I can start doing more stuff...riding my bike...heading back to work soon...but I still have to be careful about some when I am playing with my nephews because they get a little crazy... I have been doing more lately though...went for a bike ride on the bike trail with my mom the other day...we rode on the trail for three miles...and we rode up to the trail...felt good at the time but...

This week has been busy

And yet not at the same time... I guess what I mean by that is that some days were really busy...which made it feel like there wasn't enough time for anything in those days...and then other days...most of the days were super chill... One of the days was busy because my brother Cory got married to one of my friends Taylor...and they planned the wedding in less than a week so they could get married before moving...and well it was probably one of my all time favorite weddings...because it was wasn't flashy or was just about them...and I liked it a lot because of that... Part of the beginning of the week was busy because I had an appointment with my doctor in period on Monday...and we had a ton of time to kill so we went to the zoo...not my best was way to hot for that and it made me feel so sick...also at the beginning of the week I was trying to spend time with my grandparents before they headed back to Arizona...I felt bad that I hadn't...

I could go on and on

With stories about camp...but then this post would be super long and nothing would go together... What you need to know is that as always my brothers and sisters were great at taking care of me...driving me around in the gator...getting stuff from my cabin...making sure I was resting...making sure I was taking my meds...having a lot of brothers and sisters comes in handy when you are sick or recovering...and though I would never date any of those guys because I consider them my brothers being around them does remind me that I want a man with sexy faith...also our camp theme was getting real and Ken shared parts of his testimony in the morning and Rich talked about tough issues at our cabin we applied some of those ideas to how strong women dealt with those things...hopefully the girls got something out of that...I also got to dole out some of my knowledge about girls at guy night answering some of the guys questions about girls and that was fun... It was Ken...

Call me crazy

But I am getting ready to head out to RRBC for Senior counsel...I'm not really worried...transplant was about two and a half weeks ago and I feel better than I have in years... I haven't had much pain recently except for some yesterday after getting the steri strips (tape) off...they took some of my skin with them so that was no fun...but they had to come off because they were barely hanging on...and they smelled bad... I have been feeling really good though...I have all this energy...and I don't get sick to my stomach or anything like I have in the past so that's nice...I am just taking Tylenol occasionally for the pain...and I know how to take it easy...I also might not stay out there every night...depends on how I feel...I figure I can do a lot of sitting around out at with the kids that way...cheer them on from the side lines during the games like it's either sit around at home and wish I was there or go out and sit around t...