A little Maya
On her day of passing. Her writing and life have inspired me. She always wrote with honesty and there was such a beauty in that. From Letters to my Daughter chapter 27 titled "Mt. Zion" pg 161-62: " Once in San Francisco I became a sophisticate and an acting agnostic. It wasn't that I stopped believing in God; it's just that God didn't seem to be around the neighborhoods I frequented. And then a voice teacher introduced me to Lessons in Truth... At one reading, the other students, who were all white, the teacher, and I sat in a circle. Mr. Wilkerson asked me to read a section, which ended with the words "God loves me." I read the piece and closed the book. The teacher said, "Read it again." I pointedly opened the book, and a bit sarcastically read, "God loves me." Mr. Wilkerson said, "Again." I wondered if I was being set up to be laughed at by professional, older, all-white company? After about the seventh repe...