
Showing posts from October, 2014

BOND 2014

Two days before BOND Gary sent me the two new songs we were going to do over the weekend. Though I gave him grief for that, I am often amazed at how the new songs we do fit my life and what I need to be reminded of. Sitting here listening to "Love is War" by Hillsong find myself captured by how true the words are not just with the words in my Bible but with the song of my heart. Here's a link to the super long acoustic video that you might need to look up the lyrics for - Singing/leading this song at camp was a highlight for me. As always spending time with my camp family was a highlight. As many of you know, possibly because you are part of this family, these people have helped hold me up in some of my toughest battles and I know they will continue to do so. I cannot help but feel how loved I am at camp by them and by the great God who gave me them. Another highlight was that my girls wanted to have lady lessons again and talked about how some of the things I ...

Red Band Society

For the past couple weeks I have been watching a show called Red Band Society. This show has been getting a lot of acclaim and people have been talking about how realistic it is. Which makes me wonder if they have ever spent anytime at all in a hospital. All along I have had problems with this show and after this weeks episode I am done. While talking to my mom about my frustrations with the show she told me I should post about it to give a better picture of what hospital life is like since the show does not do it justice. And since I don't have anything else to post about I figured why not. Since the beginning of the show I have been annoyed that they show all patients walking around without IVs. If you aren't on an IV you really have no reason to be in the hospital. They hook you up to an IV for everything. Most of the characters on the show would actually be outpatients and would only be in the hospital for doctors appointments. Also patients with all kinds of dise...


It has been another week of me not doing much. I stopped into the high school library a few days this week but they don't really need me. So I've just been chillin at home. Not doing a lot leaves me a lot of time to think about life - which is good and bad. It is easy for me to think about all the mistakes I have made in my life. And so I have to remember that 1) Those things are over and I cannot change them. 2) The other people involved probably don't remember what happened. And 3) To take every thought captive. Inactivity in my life leaves easy openings for the Devil to creep in and tell me I suck at life. And so I fight to remind myself that he is trying to play a crappy game with me. On the positive side of all this thinking about life I feel like recently I have been running into a lot of reason why I want to stay in this area for a job. I don't know that that will happen. But there are many things I enjoy about living here. The main one probably being that my...

Another Punt

I'm gonna be honest. I have felt like my last few blog post have been punts. Sort of like a I have to write something but I have no idea to write - so I post the first thing that comes to mind. And I don't like that - but yet again this week I find myself clueless as what to post here. Which means I have to remind myself that it's ok to not have a lot to say. To not have any wise words or exciting adventures going on in life right now. Because I enjoy carrying on a quiet existence. Sure that doesn't always leave me with a lot to write about but I am at peace in my life. And that to me is more important than fancy words or crazy adventures. Now - though things have been pretty quiet around here, I also have not been feeling the best. Which means I have been keeping to myself more than normal. When I say that I have not been feeling the best this time around I mean I have been having a lot of headaches, nauseous every now and then, and have been dizzy usually ...