BOND 2014
Two days before BOND Gary sent me the two new songs we were going to do over the weekend. Though I gave him grief for that, I am often amazed at how the new songs we do fit my life and what I need to be reminded of. Sitting here listening to "Love is War" by Hillsong find myself captured by how true the words are not just with the words in my Bible but with the song of my heart. Here's a link to the super long acoustic video that you might need to look up the lyrics for - Singing/leading this song at camp was a highlight for me. As always spending time with my camp family was a highlight. As many of you know, possibly because you are part of this family, these people have helped hold me up in some of my toughest battles and I know they will continue to do so. I cannot help but feel how loved I am at camp by them and by the great God who gave me them. Another highlight was that my girls wanted to have lady lessons again and talked about how some of the things I ...