
Showing posts from May, 2015

Encouragement and Inspiration

I have been at a lost for what to write for a while because I feel like not much is happening in my life. Nothing major is happening with my health. My volunteering is changing a bit - school will be out soon so I haven't been going into the school library. I will just be at the society when I can help since it is undergoing a bit of a make over. Since my grandparents are currently in town I have been spending a lot of time with them. The only other thing going on is job hunting and truthfully it is a little hard. There are jobs and I am sending in my resume et all. I have gotten help from people on all of that stuff you send in to job openings. But it is pretty slow going because I haven't heard back from any of the jobs I have applied to. Mostly I am just trying to trust that Jesus has something great in store for me. I find that when I have to wait the thing I am waiting for ends up blowing my mind as does Jesus with how good he is to me. I am trying to remember that as I ...

Sick Day

I don't really have much to say this week. My grandparents are in town so I have been spending time with them. Along with that I am still job searching and trying not to doubt that I am a librarian. Besides that I have been feeling sick today. I haven't thrown up yet which can be seen as a plus or a minus. Sometimes I think I might feel better if I did throw up. Mostly I am just feeling the side effects of all my medications. Sometimes because of different meds my body sort of feels restless like I've got electricity running through my veins. That's happening today along with some nausea. And I have been feeling so worn out. That's a pretty common feeling but add the other things and I end up with a day like today where getting out of bed feels like a huge chore so leaving my apartment is a no go. Every now and then I have days like today. It tends to happen when you are on so many medication to keep your body from destroying itself. I've gotten good at ta...

U of I GSLIS Alumni

You would think that since I walked in my Master's graduation ceremony today I would have something to say. But I am not sure I do. I will say that I am glad that I get to be part of a school that means so much to my grandpa. I love seeing him on campus because he loves being there and reminiscing about what was where, where he lived, and the jobs he worked to pay for school while going to school. Today he told us that one of his jobs was to hang fliers on bulletin boards and he got paid 90cents an hour to do that. Later he pointed out where he used to get coffee for a nickel and study. Though I may not have memories like that I love that he does and that he wants to share them with me. I am proud to be a part of his legacy. I didn't cry during today's graduation like I did my GCU one but at my GCU one I was still so sick and doing dialysis. And yet I decided why not get my Master's. So I attended the U of I GSLIS (Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences...


Since health has been kind of a big thing to talk about recently here's an update - I have not been feeling the best this week though I am feeling better and better as the week draws to a close. But really there is no real health news of the week which in a way is good. I have been hiding out from the world a bit though. Don't be alarmed, I am not sick. I just don't have the energy for somethings some days. There is also no news on the job front. I am still searching and applying and trying to prepare myself for a possible move. But I have been less anxious about that all this week which is always a good thing. I have been thinking a lot the past couple weeks about the importance of names. I believe that our names say a lot about us. For example my name means "Father's joy" (Father = Jesus) and Abigail one of King David's wives from 1 Samuel 25 is listed as a well known barer of my name. I am proud to bare a part of her name, I try to live up to the ...

Oh man

Mom told me that when I was coming off of anesthesia the first thing I said this week was "oh man." She also pointed out that often instead of sighing I say "oh man." Which means I have been noticing how often I say "oh man" and I can't stop saying it. That has been cracking me up the last few days. Speaking of anesthesia I had my endoscope this week. It went well. First I will say my opinion of my GI doctor has changed. I wasn't sure about him before but after hearing from Dr. Sader (my kidney doctor that I LOVE. Gosh he is a great doctor.) that Dr. Al-Rahsdan (my GI) said they need to keep an eye on me because I'm a "weird case" my opinion started to change. He is not the first doctor to say that. A lot of doctors have actually said that about many aspects of my health. But it made me feel like he does actually care about me as his patient. Then when we were checking in before the procedure the nurse said she really likes working ...