Awkward Friendships
First I wanted to give a little update on what I talked about last week. I have had some different realizations this week that have made my questions easier to deal with even if they aren't answers to my question. But the realizations have made me less emotional about things which is always good in my opinion. This week I was thinking how funny it is that I have been going into the society for quite some time now to volunteer but I still get nervous going in there sometimes. I don't know why but I do. They really just like having any kind of volunteers and they know that I am still learning different things. I really have no reason to still be nervous about going in there but I am and I am not sure why. All I know is that sometimes my fear prevents me from going in and that is never a good thing. In other news my first friend, Daniel, got married yesterday. Gosh it was a beautiful wedding and I am so glad I got to be there. Also his new wife, Caitlyn, looked like a babe in ...