I can't lie this week had quite a few rough moments. I need to work on getting tougher and having thick skin because I am still not good at dealing with conflict or confrontations. But it am going to have to do some of that at my job like when people don't bring their books back and then get upset when they have overdue fines or their student accounts get put on hold. (That means they can't register for classes with us and sometimes with other schools and more.) It's also been a bit rough because of my hemoglobin being low. I am feeling better today but most days I have felt like I am dragging. I have pushed through everyday but being tired also makes me emotional which has been making me more homesick. I have mostly been that way after long days or on Sundays. Trying to find a place to go to church where I feel welcomed has been hard. So if you saw me at church today that's in part because I wasn't feeling brave enough to try out a new church and I was feelin...