
Showing posts from August, 2015


I can't lie this week had quite a few rough moments. I need to work on getting tougher and having thick skin because I am still not good at dealing with conflict or confrontations. But it am going to have to do some of that at my job like when people don't bring their books back and then get upset when they have overdue fines or their student accounts get put on hold. (That means they can't register for classes with us and sometimes with other schools and more.) It's also been a bit rough because of my hemoglobin being low. I am feeling better today but most days I have felt like I am dragging. I have pushed through everyday but being tired also makes me emotional which has been making me more homesick. I have mostly been that way after long days or on Sundays. Trying to find a place to go to church where I feel welcomed has been hard. So if you saw me at church today that's in part because I wasn't feeling brave enough to try out a new church and I was feelin...

Tough-ish Week

I feel like I don't really have a lot to share this week. My big news this week is that my hemoglobin is down and we don't really know why. So that's frustrating as per usual. But the good news is that I get to go back to OSF St. Mary's sooner than I thought and take a picture of the crucifix there that I think is funny.  Since I was nervous about training with tech help I should give an update on that. We ended up not having a lot happen at night so I didn't get much training. But I did get a cheat sheet of what to do if different problems come up. So I am not really nervous about that anymore. As per usual I worried for nothing. I mostly feel like I am settling into my job a bit. The other day when I was stressing about getting everything on my desk done I took my break and saw that everyone else has tons of stuff on their desks to do that they don't stress about. It was a good reminder to calm down. Plus I have a ton of time at night to get stuff done s...

Week Two

I survived week two! I still love my job and I am so thankful for a job that I love and for all the moments I have had where I have felt like "this is why I was hired." But it has been overwhelming - to quickly move, to quickly start a new job, to train in something new everyday. Tomorrow I start my normal hours of working the "late shift" which is another way that this job is perfect for me. But tomorrow I also start training with tech help and I am so nervous. This is that part of the job that I am not sure I can do. I know that's why I have training but it is still really nerve wracking. Besides that I am realizing that I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to get everything right right away when no one else expects that of me. I get mad when I make mistakes but I've only worked for the school two weeks so of course I am going to make mistakes. I have to remind myself of that a lot. It's like I feel like I want to show that they made...

Mind Blown

Today has been a slow moving day for me. I don't feel the best. It's the type of day when I would still go to work but I don't feel 100% or even 90%. Days like this kind of make me nervous. They don't happen often but when I have had so many bad ones days like today hang over me and cause me to worry that something worse is going on. I often wish that I wouldn't get worn out like I all to often do - even with my new kidney I feel like I still have to watch what I am doing since there are still so many other factors in my life that can make me tire out easily. That does make me worry a little about how I will feel with work but I think it will be easy for me to push through rough days and get into my job because... I FREAKIN LOVE MY JOB AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE BEING A LIBRARIAN!!!!! The students aren't even at the school yet and I am still training but I love it. I love my job. Even though it made me a little nervous I love being in charge of inter-library loa...

Internet Working - for now

Sorry I haven’t posted yet. My internet was working but then it stopped working. I could go into all of that but I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear.  Before anything else I will say that my doctor’s appointment went well. My doctor walked into the room and the first thing he said was, “Tell me you got the job.” Then he told me about talking to the lady from Carl Sandburg. In health news my creatinine (blood count number that measures how well your kidney is working) was up at the beginning of the month but is back down now. Neither of us have any clue why it spiked. All my other blood work was great and I haven’t felt tired or sick. So that’s weird but nothing I am going to stress over.  I have heard from Dr. Sader and my other references that they tried really hard to get me the job and here I am. I also heard that they told some of my references that they were really interested in me.  The move went pretty smoothly. Some of my friends came over t...