Thoughts after a meeting from this week
This week at work we had a meeting of sorts where we had what we called staff development for just the library staff. A few days before the meeting we all took a personality test and then in the meeting we discussed those personality types. With the staff development part we were able to learn about each others likes and dislikes to learn how to better work together. We also were able to think about how to better use each others skills based on our personality types. It ended up being kind of cool and has already helped me chill out when working with a lady that sometimes rubs me the wrong way. Even just being able to remind myself that that is how she thinks and that is ok has been a help and has made me less irritable at work. Not that I have lashed out on anyone but I have complained a lot to mom and dad. I still love my job but I don't always like working with her. Anyway taking this personality test and in turn talking about it has gotten me thinking about why I am the way...