
Showing posts from September, 2015

Thoughts after a meeting from this week

This week at work we had a meeting of sorts where we had what we called staff development for just the library staff. A few days before the meeting we all took a personality test and then in the meeting we discussed those personality types. With the staff development part we were able to learn about each others likes and dislikes to learn how to better work together. We also were able to think about how to better use each others skills based on our personality types. It ended up being kind of cool and has already helped me chill out when working with a lady that sometimes rubs me the wrong way. Even just being able to remind myself that that is how she thinks and that is ok has been a help and has made me less irritable at work. Not that I have lashed out on anyone but I have complained a lot to mom and dad. I still love my job but I don't always like working with her. Anyway taking this personality test and in turn talking about it has gotten me thinking about why I am the way...

Short Post

I have a cold and I don't really feel like posting so this will probably be a short post. This week was pretty great. I feel like I am understanding my job more and getting into a groove. After having some rough days last week this week was quiet and included some pretty coll compliments on my work. That all felt pretty darn good. And then getting sick sucked as per usual but whatever. My b-day was pretty chill and pretty great. Though driving on Friday after work in the CRAZY storm was nerve wracking for the first few minutes because visibility was really horrible. As always I enjoyed being back at mom and dad's and spending time with them. Mostly this week I was happy that I didn't feel stressed or overwhelmed but was really able to enjoy my job. I like that I have been able to answer all kinds of questions from people. That has been a confidence booster. I feel like this week has held a lot of confidence booster moments. That has been much needed and very appreci...

Hardest Week so far

I still love my job but this week was harder than all the other ones so far. I have been working on projects all week that have to do with the ordering/budget side of things. I haven't had much experience in that and it makes me nervous that I am dealing with that so much. That has been such a weight on my shoulders this week as I was sure I was messing everything up. I was working on documents that I couldn't find examples of to work from and give me a better idea of what I was doing. I was sure that my supervisor was going to see the mess I was making and would regret hiring me. I figured she would see whatever was done before and compare what I did and see how far off I was creating more work for everyone. I had been so stressed about it that there were a few days when I almost started crying at my desk. My frustrations and doubts mounted over the week about all of that. Then on Friday my supervisor and I met with a lady in the finance office to go over how we could...

Another Good Week

It was another great week at work. The head librarian and my supervisor - both of whom I am becoming friends with - have been giving me more work because they know that I can handle it and will get it done. It's nice to know that they trust me. It's also nice to like being around them so much. We giggle so much some days. It's an added bonus and is something else that makes me want to go into work. I don't know if I mentioned that everyone at CSC is so nice. A lot of people that work at CSC make me laugh and make me so glad that I work there. It's also nice that some of the other people that are in the library or have offices in the library (like some of the tech help) appreciate me and like that I am organized and accountable. It's nice that they see these things about me and tell them too me too. Getting this job has been a confidence booster in so many ways. This is my first weekend not heading back to mom and dad's for the weekend. I still didn't r...