Well I'm not dead
I know that might sound a little extreme and crazy and whatever but when you wake up in the middle of the night pooping blood after having already barfed up all the contents of your stomach and more it's easy to quickly think of extremes. So for those of you who are out of the loop... On Christmas after the merriment of the presents and food and everyone being around I started to not feel good while puzzling with the fam. It started with throwing up which then went to throwing up and diarrhea. The throwing up eventually turned into dry heaving and I thought the diarrhea had slowed down but then close to mid-night I woke up having to run to the bathroom to find that my diarrhea had turned red. How awesome right. Anyway we went to the ER and though pooping blood is definitely a get to the hospital now scenario the doctor in the ER said it was probably an infection of some kind and they called for an ambulance to come to take me to OSF. An ambulance coming calmed us down a bit beca...