
Showing posts from April, 2016

Tough Week

Oh man I don't even know what to report. As per usual this week has me worn out. I have sent most of today in bed and I slept in late yesterday as well. I like feeling like I am working hard but I don't like how it wears me out. I know I am sick and that's why I get worn out so quickly but sometimes it still sucks that my young body acts like an old body because everything it has been through. That is still a tough pill to swallow sometimes.  This week also has me worn out because I made the trip back and forth from mom and dad's house in one day. My aunt and my cousin's baby were in town so I took a half day off work to see them. We had a family dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Now don't get me wrong I love my family. I would not be who I am without them. But sometimes when we are together it can get a little overwhelming for me. Because we are all loud, talking over each other and wanting attention. Sometimes that is more than I can handle. Since...

Give Life

One of the first things I saw this morning was this -  First I think it's still really cool that my mom said this because she is the one who had to stick me which in my book makes her pretty tough.  Second I am glad that she encourages me and acknowledges this stuff for me because I often do not.  This also plays into some things I want to talk about.  I was at mom and dad's this weekend and some of the things we talked about made me think I need to post about that. One of those things is organ donation. We often find that there is a misconception about how you actually "sign up" for organ donation. Yes you mark the box on the back of your license or say "yes" at the DMV BUT that is not all you do. You also have to talk to your family about your wishes. When you die the doctors and nurses will be looking to your family to make the decision about what to do with you. They legally cannot do anything without your famly's consent...

Good and Bad

What to say about this week...? We have out book sale in the library starting tomorrow. All week I have been withdrawing books from the catalog to get ready for the sale. Then Friday we set everything up. That had my muscles hurting quickly but it is nice to feel like I am gaining muscles. I feel like that has been a new thing since my transplant that with what I am doing I can see definition of muscles that I have never been able to see before. As for my tongue - I have zero idea what is going on there. I had been very carefully watching what I ate and my tongue always looked the same. Then Friday I ate what I wanted and my tongue looked better the next day. So as per usual I have no idea what my body is doing. Some days that is still frustrating other days it's whatever. Also this morning I woke up in a lot of pain and it hurts when I take deep breaths. I am not sure what that means. Some of the all over pains could be from everything I have done over the past few days but my...

Short Post

Ya'll I really don't know what to write today. I still have thrush and I am trying to change my eating habits to try and get rid of that but it's hard and my body doesn't know how to fight anything off. And I am out of the med that is supposed to treat it which is ok because once I ran out my tongue looked and felt better which is weird. Work has been pretty much the same so still good and I am still learning and trying to form connections with people even if it is only someone I see five minutes or less a day. Skipped out on church again because I started crying a little when I thought about how I go but no one talks to me. That's really hard ya'll. So if you are in church and you see someone you have never seen before - introduce yourself. Maybe talk to them a little even if you find out they have been going there a while. I was always taught that a part of the church is being the body and fellowshipping with one another. Not having that makes me feel li...