Open Door Policy
Hey there, So first I have a few things to add/correct from last weeks post. First correction - I wrote that I had a leg bag in 2nd grade when it was really 3rd grade. On the plus side both my 2nd and 3rd grade teachers were great and at the time (and possibly still) were best friends and were fantastic with dealing with me pre and post transplant. Second correction - I wrote that I had a hemoglobin of 2.2 and was life flighted and then a week later after briefly being home went back after having seizures because of brain swelling. But I flipped those. It was seizures released and then 2.2 hemoglobin. Both times life flighted. Both times unsure if I would live - well actually with the seizures they did not know at all what was going on and with the 2.2 hemoglobin all the nurses were like, "You should be dead. I have never sen anyone with a 2.2 and be alive." Sometimes it is very easy to get things mixed up because so many things happened and so much of life felt like ch...