
Showing posts from December, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Hey there, First you should know that being on break has improved my mood incredibly. I am feeling less stressed and less frustrated. Second you should know that it wouldn't be Christmas break with my family without someone being sick or needing surgery. This time it is not me which is a change. Instead it is my mom. She has three bulging discs and one of them is I guess leaking and that is causing pressure to be placed on one of her nerves. So on Thursday she is having surgery to take care of that. If things go according to plan then it will be an out patient surgery with an incision that can be covered by a band-aid. Prayers for that as always would be appreciated. The past two days I have been scanning family photos and I have to say that even though I still have tons and tons to do (when I hit 40 photos mom said "Only 40 million more to go.") I am enjoying it immensely. Though I have been scanning pictures where I am too young to really have memories of those th...

Short Wednesday Post

Hey There, So I am not really sure what to say which is why I have been putting this off for days. I am feeling a bit like I want to cross posting to my blog off of my to do list and that is not often a good reason to write. But here we are anyway. As previously mentioned in last weeks post I am just grouchy and frustrated with people. Still having a hard time shaking that and I know it is in part because I am ready for a break. I do have a break from work coming up in a few days and I am so looking forward to that. I am hopeful that by having that time to sleep in and stay in my sweatpants all day it will be like a reset button for my mind and mood. And I am in need of that. And I am sure I am not the only one who is looking forward to time with family and a bit of a break. (Though I am also sure some of your will be very busy over the next few days for the holidays.) And well I guess that's all I got. I mean I have been trying to think of things to post for days. And even...

My Deliverer

Hi Everyone, So I wasn't going to post today because I have been grouchy and frustrated and that is never a fun mood to write in. And I tend to think no one wants to hear me crab on and on about life. But then I got thinking about how I want to have more things checked off my to-do list. And then I thought about how I am honest about other things in life so way not also be honest about this. Now I am not going to go into details about all the things I am grouchy about because some of it is just my frustrations with people and airing them here when I am sure my opinion will change would just be mean spirited. And some of it is frustrations with work and frankly I think overly talking about work on here is 1) boring and 2) unprofessional. So just think about it like this - at the moment it feels like anything you could name I could rattle off reasons I am frustrated with that thing or person or idea or whatever. And I do think it is a normal part of life to have time when you...

Always an Adventure

Hey, So this week has been a bit rough. As some of you may have seen I have been sick with what may be a cold again. So here's what's going on. I had been taking vitamin C to help me recover from the cold I had. I decided to stop taking it because I was getting a bit of diarrhea and that is never fun. A few days after I stopped taking it I started feeling sick again. This time my only symptom has been a sore throat. Still no fun when you don't have much of a voice. And so I thought "Ok, I'll do vitamin C again." I started to feel a bit better again but not before having one of those days where you are grouchy sick. You know, not quite as sick anymore but still not feeling great and just wanting to punch everyone in the face. I'm not afraid to say it grouchy sick days are a thing for me more often than I would like. On this day I did go into work for a little bit and a lady I sort of work with (she is IT and I am library but IT is in the library a lot a...