Hey there, So last week I mentioned that I had been feeling sick to my stomach. I did call my kidney doctor's office and the gist of what they said was "your blood work looks good so call the GI office." And I did and because of my transplants that make my health history complicated they got me an appointment to see the doctor the next day. After telling him what was going on and him looking at my blood work he decided to put me back on a lower dosage of the stomach med I had been on before. He did this because of my health history which makes sense. Basically even though I have had a transplant and that helps some things my body still produces too much acid. And too much acid means things like nausea so that's always fun. Anyway I am now getting used to that adjustment to my medicine regimen. In other news this week on This Old House - I am learning a freaking lot. My joke has been "Today on This Old House another thing I have no idea how to fix." But i...