Guys! It feels so incredible to be in my house! I figured when I moved in it would feel good because I would be in one place and in a place that I own. But I did not expect the calmness that I currently feel. I love having things organized and put away and as such the last two times that I moved I unpacked everything within something like 48 hours. This time I feel like I don't care how long it takes me because I am here. In my house. Sure I have unpacked somethings. I mean I unpacked my clothes and got my closet set up because it has been making me smile just thinking about how all my clothes would be in one room instead of in the closets of every room. And I have unpacked a few other things as I have realized I needed things. But instead of unpacking in a feverish panic like I have done before I have been doing a lot of relaxing on my couch being happy to just be here. After the past few weeks that were filled with stress and anxiety it feels good to be here and rest. To ...