"All Shall be Well"

Oh my gosh you guys. I can't get over this -

I have been thinking about how I went to that other church for months and no one even talked to me. And I haven't been going to this church long and I get this when the ladies in my Sunday School find out I bought a house. Seriously! I mean it's a pretty huge deal that I even feel comfortable enough to go to Sunday School. And this! Ugh! I love this! I mean always love seeing the body be the body but to be invited into and included in the body - amazing! Also I kept thinking during the day that my friends that got upset when they heard no one was talking to me at the other church will be beyond thrilled to see this.

Also this feels good on another level. Even with buying the house I still have been a little freaked out by how this makes things feel even more permanent. Living here, working here, etc. And sometimes the doubts still kick in asking "Was this a good idea?" But today was one of many confirmations that it is. And it makes me feel like God is saying, "This is where I want you to be." Which is always reassuring.

Things with the house have not always been so reassuring. Basically I am getting frustrated by this house. I still think it is right for me but gosh I am annoyed. And the amount of work is overwhelming. Even though I know it won't all get done now I start to get frustrated thinking about how long am I going to have to live with stuff being just ok for now? And how much money will this all take? I mean it is nice that my house payments will be less than I currently pay for rent so I can hopefully save money for these things faster. But it is still a bit overwhelming. And then I think, "Just focus on the next thing in front of you." So I do - like painting, or cleaning, or taking care of the pool, or packing. And while doing that today I kept thinking about this thing I read in a book recently. The book is called "The Road Back to You" and I found out about it from a dear friend who was reading it. Though the title is a little weird it is a book about personality types and after quickly figuring out my type I read the helpful tips that the author listed at the end of the chapter and he said "Memorize Julian of Norwich's prayer 'All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.'"

Guys, I can't fully describe to you how my heart and soul take this cleansing deep breath that feels like it shakes and yet calms down my soul all at the same time. 

Repeating this to myself today has helped keep the doubts and fears at bay. When you are reminding yourself over and over again that God is in control so "all shall be well" the father of lies and his minions have no room to sneak in and whisper half truths. 

Next weekend I should be posting from my new house!


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