I know I just posted last night
But I thought I would let you all know how my endoscopy went... Some of you know that this time last year they found a large and in charge ulcer in my stomach that was swollen a lot...almost so much to close off my stomach from my intestines...thankfully it didn't get that large and in charge...but it did cause a lot of pain when my body was trying to digest things and it still does every now and then...they checked it a few times to make sure it wasn't cancerous and it wasn't... Well since it's a year later they wanted to check it again...and I think we were all expecting it to either be gone or to be a little guy now...it's not...so he took some biopsies again to see if it was cancerous but he doesn't think it will be... But because it's a year later and it's still a beast I have to go to an appointment in about 4 weeks to talk about my options for removing it...he said today that he wants to do that since I am young and have a lot of life left.....