A few songs for you

I am realizing that I am having a problem with relaxing...sounds weird I know...but I get it from both my parents...I joke that neither of them know how to take a vacation...or sit still...and well that's becoming me...which isn't really good because when you are sick you need to rest and not do so much...but I keep telling myself I have to do stuff because I told people I would do it and I can't back out of that...the reality is though that I haven't made any promises and everyone around me understands that one day my health could be stellar and the next day it could be shitty...and well my health proved that again this weekend...with my hemoglobin dropping down to 6.5...so we thought I was going to have to get a transfusion...but I didn't which is great...but then I came to the realization about the whole rest thing in church today when I was standing there singing thinking I feel like I could maybe pass out...number one sign you need to slow down in life...but all this mess of transfusion no transfusion...feeling sick and whatever makes me feel like my life consists mainly of health drama which is no fun...

So I was kind of in a grumpy-ish mood this weekend...and then I listened to this song...and couldn't stop laughing...

I know this song is ridiculous but well I love it...and it makes me laugh so much...also if I did loved someone more than the original Star Wars trilogy that would be a big deal because I do love Star Wars...

And when I thought about posting this song I thought "well maybe I will just do a blog of songs I have been listening to that have been making my day and making my health drama not bother me as much"...sounded good to me...so here are some fun songs....

Lately I have been really into Ke$ha's song Die Young...I don't normally like her but this song has been stuck in my head all week and I have been dancing around in my room to it...

Now you want to dance don't you...you're welcome...

And then I made my day yesterday by downloading the A Goofy Movie soundtrack...best decision ever made...let's be honest I know all the songs by heart...cause I'm a five year who loves Disney...

I know now you want to watch the movie...it's one of my favorites...I def drove to church this morning blasting these songs and singing at the top of my lungs...nerdy yes...but it made me feel like I was ready to face people for the day...

And well that's all I got for today...hope it made you smile a little...and maybe even dance a little...


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