"Why me?" Phase

Work on the house continues. I am not there as often as I am not sure that I will be of any help. But work continues in the cold. I don't really have any updates there except to say Kenny is hoping to get it all closed up with the roof finished in the near future. Then he can have better protection from the elements and some of the other things inside can be done.

I did post briefly about Thanksgiving so if you want to check out that blog you can. Besides that I have been a little sick this week and that is no fun. I have become a big baby when sick so I get grouchy and that is no fun for anyone.

Now back to advice from a sick person.

I talked a little about phases/stages of being sick. This week I want to talk about the "why me?" phase.

The why me phases is when you ask questions like - Why do bad things keep happening to me? Why am I sick? What did I do? Often followed by - I don't deserve this. This isn't fair.

This can be a tough phase to be in and get out of. So before I write about how I got out of this phase I thought I would offer some "tips" for lack of a better word.

I guess first I would say it's ok to say that your situation sucks. I found comfort in saying that being sick sucked instead of trying to sugar coat it. Often in this phase you can feel like you are clinging to the end of your rope and though it's hard I would say keep clinging. I say that even though it is a cliche and I don't enjoy cliches. But I cannot promise it will get easier. I hope it will encourage you that I often found that what I thought was the end of my rope was not really the end. That sucks to hear in the midst of clinging but I can say you will look back and be amazed at how far God brought you. You will find strength you didn't know you had and experience God's faithfulness in a tangible way. I often found strength when I was reminded that others suffered. One of my personal favorites is Paul's thorn in his side in 2 Cor. 12:1-10. He talks about God's power being made perfect in his weakness and that can be beautiful to witness or look back and recognize. I like how the thorn is described in the Message where his thorn is called "a gift of handicap." In the New Living Translation I love that when God speaks to him it's worded as "my grace is all you need." I sometimes forget that I don't need anything else than Him. All these words encouraged me to continue to cling or endure knowing that God was using my sickness even if it was just in my own life and heart.
A little side note - I would encourage you to read this passage and your favorite passages in different translations. There are always things that make me think or that hit my heart in different translations. 

Now for me coming out of the "why me?" phase came down to this - When "Wow God!" out weighed "why me?"

My focus had to change from me to God - How great is our God that we can enter His chambers with questions, complaints, anger, tears, and comforting not just in bringing gifts and words of praise. We are invited into the Holy of Holies to share all of life! Not just the good but the bad, the ugly, the joys, the sorrows, the celebrations, and everything in between. For me there is great comfort in knowing that the Most High King wants to know me and be actively involved in my life.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" - Psalm 8:3&4


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