Business first
The benefit thing for our family is this Saturday at our church...Bethel Church Dixon IL...well behind it really in the big yellow building that used to be a school but is now known as the ministry center...I think they are starting the supper at 5 and the silent auction some time after that but I am not really sure since I am not in charge...I am just showing up to eat and talk to people...which frankly I am a little nervous about because I am not always that great at being social...but you should come join sister-in-law is planning on making quite a bit of food so I am sure we will have enough...I have also heard that this may turn into a bit of a Frye family reunion there are quite a few in that group that I am sure I won't know even though I am related to them...but if you want to see what the majority of the Frye family is like then show up...I'm sure it will be a good time... Also I am loving working in the library...I have volunteered for three days for about a...