Known & Loved

So the big news this week is that I don't have shingles on my tongue.

I went to an ear, nose, and throat clinic this week about the bumps on my tongue. Neither the Physicians Assistant nor the doctor think I have shingles. They think i just have enlarged buds and have stayed enlarged for some explainable reason. The Physicians Assistant thinks I might have thrush while the doctor believes that I don't. They were shocked that I had campylobacter and the Physicians Assistant remarked that I was too young to have had shingles twice already (which is a comment I often get about a lot of my health problems). Also the doctor put this little scope thing down my nose to get a better look at my enlarged buds since they are so far back on my tongue. That was unpleasant. Not the worst thing I have ever had to do but still no fun. Anyway he ended up putting me on this liquid medicine that treats thrush. He said either it will help or it won't and the buds will go down on their own. And to call if I see them getting worse. So no real news but they aren't shingles and they aren't tumors or anything which I guess is what Dr. Sader was nervous about when he heard about my bumps.

Oh yeah and this med is zero fun to take. They call it a swish and swallow because it treats by coating the infected area so you have to swish it. And then since mine are so far back - swallow it. Look it's not the worst med I have ever taken (that would be the one I would take standing over a garbage can because I would swallow it and immediately throw it back up) but it is disgusting. At first it tastes like artificial banana which is worse than real banana. And that taste slowly turns into the taste of the equivalent of licking a handful of pennies. I take it after meals and before bed so that it can be on longer and work better. So I can't even drink anything right afterward to wash away the taste. But I also haven't thrown it up yet - so far so good.

Other than that God keeps showing me why he brought me here. It's funny how things I prayed about when I moved back from AZ like things I wanted in a place I lived but that I thought were sort of whatever prayers. God has been showing me how he made some of those things happen for me here. I can't lie that has been pretty cool to open my eyes and see. To realize that the things I wanted but that I didn't think were that important at the time are turning out to be oddly really important now and are reminding me how good God is.

Reminding me how well he knows me and how much he loves me.

I don't know about you but that still blows my mind.

That I am known and loved by the creator and sustianer of the universe. 


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