Sundays are Hard
I don't know if I have said this before or not - if I have here it is again - if not welcome to hearing it for the first time.
For some dumb reason Sunday nights are the hardest for me here. Even after a good weekend like this one. Even after all the time with mom and dad. All the giggles while hunting eggs and playing apples to apples until we were out of cards. All the kisses and hugs. Even after all that Sunday night it still hard.
Because Sunday night finds me feeling lonely and doubtful of all my life decisions.
Sunday nights find he questioning why I am here.
Tomorrow everything will be good. I will be back to work being productive at my job that I love and that I am good at.
But Sunday night feels crushing and never ending.
And being back at mom and dad's is great. But leaving has gotten harder instead of easier. Leaving finds me crying but trying not to cry too hard that I can't drive away.
And so Sunday night finds me trying to distract myself and wear myself out so that I can sleep without doubts, fears, general emotions of sadness nagging me.
If you think about it would you pray for me on/about Sunday nights?
Oh yeah and I have recently become convinced I do have thrush on my tongue and that it will take forever to go away because I am three out of three meds that can make anyone more susceptible to thrush. And the med I am on for thrush hasn't done anything to treat it so far. So if you would pray about that too that would be great.
Hope everyone had a great day.
Happy Easter!
For some dumb reason Sunday nights are the hardest for me here. Even after a good weekend like this one. Even after all the time with mom and dad. All the giggles while hunting eggs and playing apples to apples until we were out of cards. All the kisses and hugs. Even after all that Sunday night it still hard.
Because Sunday night finds me feeling lonely and doubtful of all my life decisions.
Sunday nights find he questioning why I am here.
Tomorrow everything will be good. I will be back to work being productive at my job that I love and that I am good at.
But Sunday night feels crushing and never ending.
And being back at mom and dad's is great. But leaving has gotten harder instead of easier. Leaving finds me crying but trying not to cry too hard that I can't drive away.
And so Sunday night finds me trying to distract myself and wear myself out so that I can sleep without doubts, fears, general emotions of sadness nagging me.
If you think about it would you pray for me on/about Sunday nights?
Oh yeah and I have recently become convinced I do have thrush on my tongue and that it will take forever to go away because I am three out of three meds that can make anyone more susceptible to thrush. And the med I am on for thrush hasn't done anything to treat it so far. So if you would pray about that too that would be great.
Hope everyone had a great day.
Happy Easter!
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