Blog Update Type Thing

Hey guys,

So last Sunday I was worn out and thought "Whatever I can post later." Then Friday I thought "Whoops, I completely forgot to post at all." Ha! That happens sometimes.

What also happens sometimes is me not knowing at all what to post about.

I have been trying to think of things to post about that pertain to my health. Things that I deal with regularly that I don't really think about but that not everyone has to deal with. Sometimes though I can't think of anything. I think in part because sometimes I am so used to thinking about those things that I forget others don't. Things like watching how much time I spend in the sun because I am more susceptible to skin cancer because of the meds that are keeping me alive. Though lately that hasn't been something I have to think about because of the grey end of winter days.

I am coming to terms with the fact that it's ok that I might not always have anything much to share in this setting but know that if you have questions I am always more than willing to answer and talk freely about what I deal with on a regular basis.

Since I am still learning to rest I am having to remind myself that applies to my blog as well. If I feel I have nothing to share at the end of the week that's ok. Currently nothing that big is going on health wise with me so it's not like I have to write up weekly updates. So if you hear less from me hear know that I am learning to rest. Learning to give myself a break to not hold myself to standards about what I think I end to say.

Not to say I won't ever post but they may not be as regular anymore. This will always be a place where I can share honestly about my life and my thoughts on life.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.


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