It’s been a while

Hey there,

So it’s been a while.

I wish I could say I was returning with amazingly great news about life or some mind blowing tidbit about Jesus. But I think by now if you are reading this or have rread any of my posts in the past you know that is not this blog.

Having a blog that mostly chronicals the downs of being a person with a chronic illness means that posting again after a bit of a hiatus can really only mean one thing - more downs to report. If you’ve seen my recent social media posts. You might think, “How can that be? You are doing all this work at your house.” Well when you are sick you get good at knowing that life goes on no matter how you feel. So you go on and sometimes above with it.

Here’s what is going on - after having a horrible appointment with a gynecologist in something like October I finally decided I really needed to see someone else because the increasing pain on and off my period is not ok. And as someone who has wanted a hysterectomy for more than 10 years it was time to find someone who would made do something to help my body get some relief. This was also compounded by the fact that I felt like complete shit for over a week. Though I have never been diagnosed with endometriosis all symptoms and then some point to that being 100% true. So I made an appointment and then continued to feel like shit during the 2 week wait until seeing the doctor. (And this is around the time I start stair demos while also being in the midst of a large book shifting project at work. Never judge a chronically ill person by the work they are doing or the way we look. We’re super great at “grin and bear it.”)
Now seeing the doctor did not change how I felt my body as always just decided to do the unexplainable and feel better all on its own. But my appointment with a new doctor went great. I felt heard and taken seriously. And we now have a plan of steps to take to try to solve what is going on with my body that could eventually lead to a hysterectomy. And finally feeling like relief could be coming is amazing. Hope in any circumstance is amazing.

You should also know that I had also put seeing a new gynecologist on hold because my kidney numbers have been slowly getting worse for some unknown reason. I was originally feeling like let’s solve the kidney stuff first but that changed has my kidney numbers got worse no matter what I did. So I said why not try to solve this since it could be connected. Now we didn’t know if that is the case or not but one part of your body feeling gross can effect other things.
Anyway since about October as well my creatinine has been slowly increasing. I have been doing the things you should do to try to lower it - mainly drinking a lot of water. But it has still been steadily going up. Naturally my doctor is concerned about this since my other blood numbers are good. So Friday after my gynecologist appointment I had an ultrasound of my transplanted kidney. I will find out the results of that this week and depending on what that shows I may have to have a biopsy as well. For those of you that don’t know a biopsy is when they take a giant needle and stick it in an organ (my case my kidney) and draw out/cut out samples of it to get an idea of what is possibly happening in there. Not fun but necessary.

So that’s today’s not so fun update.

Unfortunately these kinds of things are not uncommon when you have a chronic disease. Living with sickness means that not so fun things are always going on with your health and your days are filled with thoughts of meds, doctors appointments, possible procedures, pain, and more. So being able to clear your mind for awhile while ripping flooring of your stairs can be nice albeit momentary relief for your mind.


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