Frustrations and Praise

So first I think I should maybe say yes I know I am crazy for driving in the crazy weather this weekend but sometimes you just need to be home with your family and some really great friends even if the weather is crap.

Second I think I should share that life is still rather frustrating. I know that I can get frustrated easy but I also know that some of my current frustrations are valid. I will not go into detail about work frustrations because well I think that is unprofessional to do on social media and doing so won't change anything. However the other big frustration right now has to do with my dad's health/body. Now I am sure you all know about dad's accident so I don't really need to rehash that. Well his good leg (aka full leg including foot) now has some problems. More specifically his hip. He has been in so much pain he has been unable to work. Doctors in the area are thinking possibly a hip replacement but we and they are unsure about how possible that is and if they can do it. Dad should find out more this week and then might be heading to Rockford to see about a hip replacement there. Right now though dad mostly only leaves the house when he has to - like doctor's appointments and stays off his legs the rest of the time. He is in a lot of pain to the point where walking around the house is very painful. Obviously this is frustrating for him and mom and well the whole family. And we find ourselves yet again where we often are - waiting to hear from doctors about what will happen next. So obviously there is a lot there that can be prayed about/for.

Unrelated to those frustrations I got to spend some time with some of my camp family this weekend. We had a camp meeting today and though I will not be helping at camp in the future I still wanted to be able to see everyone. And well it was great to see everyone and laugh with them. Does my heart good to be around people who know me and who get me.

But I will also admit seeing them did not make heading back home from mom and dad's any easier.

But then something happened - amidst the tears and frustrations I found that I could not stop singing along with my worship song playlist made up mostly of songs we have sung at camp over the years. And once again I found myself singing the words like a prayer and taking the words to heart. And saying yet again that no matter what I chose to follow whatever Christ has for me. No matter what happens I will praise Him.

And guys here's the thing - I get that life is hard and frustrating. Gosh everything that I am understands that. But even more than that all that I am understands that I could not get through any of life without the creator of life and lover of my soul.

I have only made it to this moment because of him.

And even that simple yet wonderful thought brings me to only one result - praise.


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