
First I will say I am watching the original Sound of Music with Julie Andrews on TV right now so if things don't always make sense I can guarantee that it is because I am distracted by how lovely Julie Andrews is.

I have been thinking about family a lot recently and not just because it is the holiday season. Though it did all start at Thanksgiving. We always celebrate Thanksgiving out at my Aunt and Uncle's house with as much of the family that can come. My cousin who lives in Chicago comes with his wife. In the past years she and I have both been sick and haven't really gotten a chance to talk to one another. This year both of us were feeling much better so we actually got to talk a little and I loved it. When she was talking to my mom I heard her talking about how with all her health problems she never thought she would get married. And then along came my cousin Chris. He took all her health problems in stride and acts like all the hospital visits and the meds and such are no big deal. She went on to say that she doesn't feel like a burden or a problem to anyone in the family. I guess her and mom went on to talk about how all my health issues have shaped our whole family and brought us closer togther.

See I forget that not everyone has all the midnight calls about someone being in the hospital or the life line helicopter flights. So I forget how great it is that my family, my whole family, will drive hours in the traffic to see me at the hospital and make sure I am ok or really any one of us. Or will stay in the waiting room until midnight to hear that surgery is over. 

I used to complain when I was in high school that as the youngest kid I had to go all of my brother and sisters games and shows but when I had them when I was older they didn't have to go to anything. But then I remember, I remember all the times they have rushed to the hospital or have had to sit around in the waiting room. Like when Mike and Ash came together to see me in Peoria after I had those seizures. How they kept making me laugh even though I didn't know what day it was or what had happened. Or all the times they played board games with me after my first transplant. Or how Mike and Sheila (my sister in law) brought my nephews up to see me even before my most recent transplant even though we were waiting all day to see what would happen and the boys weren't really supposed to be back in my room. With the rest of my family I think of all the trips into Chicago when I had my transplant there. Driving through the crazy traffic to spend a few hours with us. To bring me coloring books or candy or other things to try and cheer me up.

And I remember how blessed I am. How loved I am. And I can't help but smile.

Wishing you all the same kind of love this holiday season.
Know you are loved.
Merry Christmas.


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