A whole mess of little things

Today may be a mismatch of different things.

I wanted to mention about the day is that I was part of the most epiclly awkward hug ever today after church. Now I know that people think I am a hugger but I am really not a hugger at all. And Betty is not a hugger either. So two not huggers awkwardly hugging, it was weird and as mom said it was like it happened in slow-mo. I was so unsure about what Betty was doing as she was with my actions so we just had to commit to this awkward hug.

At church I have been thinking about is how I love seeing all the great-grandparents with their great-grandkids. That has also become one of the things I love about my family. That my nephews get to know my grandparents. I think that my grandparents are the coolest and I think it is so fun that my nephews get know and be known by my grandparents.

People at church and elsewhere have been asking me if I am nervous about surgery. I am not nervous about the surgery itself. I've had this surgery and more serious ones before. So that is no big deal to me. What is a big deal is that we are going to a hospital we have never been to before and that is a little nerve-wracking. It is that same doctor and I trust the staff I just don't like not knowing where to go. We did check the hospital out when we got into Peoria and it looks like to should be easy to navigate so that is nice.

I feel like one of the reason I am not nervous is that God is continuing to remind me that I am protected. All through my like he has protected me through so many different situations. And I also feel like he is telling me over and over again that part of my identity is that I am protected.

Another part of my identity is that I am an aunt. And since I have a lot of brothers from camp I am an aunt many times over. And I love that I can say I have a niece and can pass on some of my knowledge to her. I recently sent her a little wonder woman costume and I love to see her little smiling face and her little flying pose in her daddy's arms. I am a proud sister and a proud aunt.

Speaking of brothers, mom and I did some reminiscing on the way to Peoria. Most of it revolved around camp and our trips to Belize. And since we are missing Kenny we joked a lot about him. He has some pretty classic lines that we repeat when we tell stories. Some of my favorites are when he calls himself an idiot or calls his campers idiots. Another favorite was from Belize when he secretly timed everyone while they gave a quick recap of their past year after laughing about the little Belizean leprechaun.  

And the truth of all of this is that I am beyond blessed. And I am so thankful for how loved I am.


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