A little late

Sorry I am a little later than normal tonight. I have been out at the cabin again soaking up the sunshine and helping my sister with stuff for her wedding.

First things first - I am going to AZ on Friday and will out of town because of that. So next weekend I will be posting possibly poolside. Then weekend after that I will be in Champaign-Urbana because of on campus days for my summer classes. Which means that weeks post might be later in the day too.

So as you probably concluded from my mid-week post, I love Maya Angelou and was sadden to hear of her passing. But I have been glad to see so many beautiful post about her. She lived a life of honesty and integrity and I look up to her for that. She has, over the years, inspired me to write the truth with conviction.

Thinking of that this week got me thinking about why I write my blog.

See I often wonder if I should stop writing or if anyone even reads my blog. But even more than wondering if people are reading my blog I wonder if my blog is slowly turning into something that is not worth reading. Which got me thinking about why I write and what I want to write about.

I originally started a blog so that friends of mine all over the country could hear about what is going on in my life. And I feel like maybe this blog has become more than that. 

I have always wanted to write with complete honesty the truth of my life. But that does not mean I will share everything because my life involves other people and I get that they may not want things about them posted on here. I want to share my faults and experiences to not just be honest but to maybe encourage people that they are not alone in their struggles. And with that I try really hard to not make blanket statements about a group of people but instead make my struggles sound as personal as they feel. When I do that I often surprise myself with the words that I write.

It's strange how my honesty in my blog has encouraged me. Not in people's responses but in my own response to the words I didn't think I had in me. And it's beautiful how my desire to be honest on my blog has brought new people into my life and old friends into a new role in my life.

These are things I did not plan but that I am glad happened.

And I love when I see people in my life encouraged by how honest I try to be. I love seeing them be open and honest because I truly believe there is power and freedom in sharing your life, even the not so great parts, with people.


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