Short Sunday Post

This will probably be a short post because I am not feeling good.

I was supposed to go down to U of I yesterday for classes today and tomorrow but instead I have been feeling sick to my stomach and like I can't keep my eyes open. So I am at home trying to rest.

So I don't have much to say.

I am thankful that I don't feel this way all the time anymore. Being sick to my stomach yesterday and tired today made me wonder how I got anything done before when I felt like this all the time. Makes me wonder how I was able to finish so many classes. I know others used to wonder that too. It's odd looking back and seeing how in the right they were to wonder.

Cause really who does homework from the ICU and while on dialysis.

I got back from AZ on Friday. I did have fun with my family and it was a good trip. I got to spend a lot of time with my grandpa and I always enjoy that. I didn't get to spend as much time outside as I wanted but it was over 110 most of the time that I was there. That is a little rough to be outside in.

Right now though I am thankful to be home and in my own bed while not feeling good.

And on this daddy's day I am thankful for my daddy. I am thankful that I am like him in some ways. And I am thankful for all the things he has tried to teach my siblings and I. I tend to think we got a good one. Happy Daddy's Day Lew.


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