Post from AZ

1st things 1st - When it's 100+ degrees outside I am a happy sunshine baby. I know most people want to be inside during this AZ summer heat but I adore it. I love feeling the heat and the sun on my skin.

2nd - I totally forgot to mention what happened at my doctors' appointments the last two weeks. Mom went with me to see Dr. Sader and joked afterwards that it is like I am so healthy he doesn't know what to do with me. And as some of my doctors have done in the past, he showed us a picture of his family at his oldest child's graduation from 8th grade. And I told him that part of me doesn't want to move from IL because I love having him as my doctor. And he started talking about jobs at the hospital library that I should apply for. I need to look into that more because I am not sure where to look but I think that would be so cool to work for OSF. Love that place! And then he took me off of two meds and told me to eat and drink more. Then at my 1 year post transplant follow up appointment, that was two weeks earlier than my anniversary date, my doctor was in the room less than 5 minutes. He too acted like he didn't know what to do with a "healthy" patient. The transplant nurse did say that they are not used to their transplant patients doing so good. But I have heard a lot of patients don't take their meds like they should or don't listen to the doctors advice. And though it feels nice to hear from people that know me about how good a look it sometimes feels even better hearing it from the doctor and nurses who see other people that deal with the same issues as I do.

On a whole other note -

I have been rediscovering my love for some records that I loved growing up. And it has me thinking about something one of my friends said recently. She posted a funny picture on my wall on facebook and it cracked me up. Even though we don't see each other often or even talk that much it felt good to feel known even after all this time. We have known each other for over 15 years after all. When I made a comment about her knowing me she said, "it's it amazing how much we don't change even after all this time." And it got me thinking about some things that I hope are always true about me.

I hope that I never stop laughing. I tell my friends how much they make me laugh cause they do. And I find that almost every thing makes me laugh. I hope that is always true about me. I hope that no matter what I can find laughter and joy in every situation and at every time in my life. I want to forever be like the uncle in Mary Poppins who they have to check on to get off the ceiling because I won't stop laughing.

I hope that I never lose my desire to seek out the truth and to tell it. Sometimes I think I am like Wonder Woman in this aspect. The truth is very important to me. And though speaking the truth that I see in my life and the lives of others has made some things difficult I don't want to stop something just because it is hard. And so I hope that I never let those past problems deter me in spekaing the truth throughout my life.

I hope that I never lose my love of learning. Sure I have been joking that I have had senoritis since my junior year in high school but I do love learning. I really do enjoy discovering something new to me without a deadline or paper to write. There is such wonder is this world of yours and it blows my mind. I hope I keep that and I better if I want to be a librarian since I hear that librarians are always learning new things as they help patrons.

I hope that I continue to be secure in me. Sometimes I falter in this. The world can quickly and easily pressure anyone into thinking that a person is not enough as they are. I need to remember what a lie that is. I don't want to change because of a fad or because some one doesn't like the way that I am. I don't want to fall into those traps. That may mean that I have to tell myself all the time that I like myself the way I am but I would rather continually do that than be someone I am not.


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