First bit of advice

We've still been making progress on the house but it is a lot of work. Anyone will tell you that. So thank you to everyone who has been helping. We are so grateful that you are still coming out to help us even in the cold. We also love having Kenny back in town not just to help us with the house but because we love being with him. It's nice seeing my dad with his best friend.

Now as promised some sort of words of wisdom for this week.
(Side note - my notes for this keep growing so it should be a multiple week thing. Also feel free to ask questions whenever you have them.)

First -  because I am known to come with my own personal disclaimer I do want to say I am no expert. I don't have a degree when it comes to anything medical or anything to do with counseling. I don't always have the right ideas or words. I have not always dealt with the things in my life in the best of ways. My coping mechanisms can be found lacking. I only know what has and hasn't worked for me most of the time - if I can remember what worked well.

Though I have no degree I have my experience which C.S. Lewis described this way - "Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn." I am currently at around 23 years experience as is my mom who has been my primary caregiver. I often think I should be able to name her when asked who my family doctor is.

So my first advice would be this - find a support system.
A support system really can be anyone - family, school friends, church friends, camp friends, a support group that has some kind of meeting, etc. Whatever it is you think you need to feel like you are being encouraged and loved through your situation. Sometimes you have a support system like mine that is made up of family and friends and you don't necessarily find them because they are right there. However, I do encourage you to notice what they are doing for you. Everyone likes to hear "thank you" to know that their work is not going to waste, that they still have value and meaning. So notice that you are loved and supported.  Also know that the people who support you want to help you - let them.

Here's why I say this before anything else. I strongly believe that we as humans were not meant to walk through life alone. We need each other and we often need each other more when life gets rough around the edges. That's one of the reason why I have always loved Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."(NIV) and James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (NIV)

It is not just those in the midst of a struggle that need support but all of us. And so I encourage you that if you have a solid support system to return the favor and let them know how cherished they are. If you are still looking for that - please don't lose heart. Sometimes the things we most need are in the places we are not looking or in the places we are scared to look. I urge you - keep looking, you won't regret it.


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