Alex's Family

To keep myself busy I have been trying to divide my time up between the high school library and the society. I have missed being in the high school library. I have missed laughing with Sookie. At the society I have been helping look through and move some collections. I enjoy all that too and I love working with the people there. I love seeing how they bounce ideas off each other and do their best to take care of that collection. I always look forward to going in there to see what new things they would like me to do and to spend time with them. I am glad mom told Pat about me and that I found the courage to do something outside of my comfort zone.

I did send in an application for a job nearby and will be sending one into my local library soon for open positions. I am a little nervous about this all as I don't have a lot of experience. I would love to work locally so if you would kindly pray about that with me that would be great.

If you saw my posts on Thursday I am sure you surmised that I was not having a great morning. Followed by my day being completely turned around.

Gosh - I don't even know how to write about all that has transpired since then. To get the whole picture I think maybe I will back up a bit.

As many of you know I received a life changing call on June 17th 2013 about a match after waiting on the transplant list since May of 2011. While we prepared dialysis for the last time and to head to the hospital we also knew that a family elsewhere had received a different kind of life changing call.

Later that summer my mother, my friend Gary, and myself wrote letters to send to the family and I was very nervous. As of last week I had received a letter from the family, learned that my donor's name was Alex, and written the family again. Now most of my life I have not cared what people think of me or if they like me or not. But I have wanted Alex's family to like me and that has been somewhat of a new experience for me.

As of this week Alex's father, Chuck, and I have become facebook friends and exchanged a few messages. The first message from Chuck came on Thursday after having a rough morning and my day was turned around. I even did lunges again like I did on June 17th on the front porch.

It has been fun to hear more about Alex and share pieces of my life as well. I have been hoping for a while to speak to the family to express my thanks. Being able to do that and more has been incredible thus far. I look forward to continuing to learn about them and Alex.

They have changed my life by giving me life and I will be forever grateful for that.


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