Hard Wins

Ok health - I basically feel how I always feel - tired and sick to my stomach - but as always I am dealing with it. Life goes on whether I feel good or not.

Work has settled into a bit of a groove though I am almost done with the project I have been working on for a while. And by almost done I mean that I should be done with it in two weeks - maybe sooner. It feels good to feel like I can see the end of this project and I am sure that when I am done with this I will find another project to work like crazy on.

Despite feeling my normal amount of sick - plus a bit more tired - I have been feeling strong. I think that acknowledging the things I have been accomplishing and the skills I do have has helped with that feeling. I gotta tell you it's a lot of work to not only fight off the negative thoughts but to speak positivity into my life. But the benefits so far are pretty great.

And that's pretty much it. I have been hiding out in my house from the cold because that wears me out even more. I have been lending movies to our student worker because she basically asked me for what I like to call a "movie education" and so far she loves everything I have given her. And I have been making myself stay here on the weekends instead of running to mom and dad's. It's both a blessing and a curse to not be too far from them. I like that I can go see them whenever and that if anything were to happen it would be easy for them to get here or visa versa. But it also means that I could so easily head that way instead of staying here and facing the hard stuff. Stuff like going to church alone (which I often cop out on because going to church alone super sucks) or making friends (which I also suck even though people oddly think of me as outgoing I really am not) or even exploring this town (it's way to freaking cold for that right now). But at the moment I am encouraging myself by saying that even staying here on the weekends is a win because getting in my car and heading to mom and dad's would be super easy while staying here and doing nothing at home is hard but still a win. And it's a win I am acknowledging this weekend.

So yay me!

May you acknowledge the wins in our life - no matter how small or hard they seem they are still wins.

Also Happy Valentine's Day.


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