Good and Bad

What to say about this week...?

We have out book sale in the library starting tomorrow. All week I have been withdrawing books from the catalog to get ready for the sale. Then Friday we set everything up. That had my muscles hurting quickly but it is nice to feel like I am gaining muscles. I feel like that has been a new thing since my transplant that with what I am doing I can see definition of muscles that I have never been able to see before.

As for my tongue - I have zero idea what is going on there. I had been very carefully watching what I ate and my tongue always looked the same. Then Friday I ate what I wanted and my tongue looked better the next day. So as per usual I have no idea what my body is doing. Some days that is still frustrating other days it's whatever. Also this morning I woke up in a lot of pain and it hurts when I take deep breaths. I am not sure what that means. Some of the all over pains could be from everything I have done over the past few days but my neck hurts like some one was trying to pull my head off so I have no idea what that is. Also I had my humidifier on last night so waking up feeling like I couldn't breathe made no sense.

But I did make it to church today even though those things definitely made me want to stay in bed. I'm glad I went to church today. There were some wins for the day and for the church I have been going to. First this little girl in a princess dress (it looked like Rapunzel's dress) talked to me. Then later after she showed me a picture she drew her mom talked to me too! Which is a huge deal since no one talks to me at church.

That simple conversation was much needed today. Not just because of the physical pain I woke up in this morning but because of how worn out and defeated I have been feeling. This week got me down even more because I was often too tired to even realize how much pressure I was putting on myself over simple things. It frustrates me that I am still so hard on myself and that so often I don't even see it.

And well that's all I got for today - some good and some bad.
Have a good week everyone.


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