Hometown Love

First a little heads up - Camp is coming up so I will not be posting when I normally do. This might be my last post for a few weeks but I will be back. If you would be so inclined - pray for us. Pray that God would be at work in ways that we cannot ignore.

The past few days have been pretty good. I have been at my parents for the 4th. I love all the festivities that go on in my hometown around the 4th - I don't attend them all but I do think it is fun that my town tries to do a lot of different things so that people can enjoy the weekend. It's one of the many reason why I am proud to be from here.

I have said it before but I love being from a small town. I know it means people are always in your business but truthfully I don't often mind because it means people know you and care about you. I don't see how that is bad but I have seen how people band around each other when life gets rough.

And though I am starting to form that kind of community where I currently live there is still something about coming home. It's in the way people wave out their car windows when they see you sitting on the front porch or even just stop by. It's in getting excited when you see an old friend in the parade or out at the store. It's in going to a family restaurant where you are truly considered part of the family. It's in summer nights spent with people who have walked through the fire with you and have let struggles that are not their own refine them as well.

So many people in this town have shown me over the years what it is like to be well-cared for and well-loved. People who would not only give you the shirt of their back but would give you their life knowing that you would do the same for them.

That is a sacred, precious kind of love I have grown up surrounded by that I never want to take for granted and that I am reminded of almost every time I come home.

I hope that this weekend you find yourself surrounded by that kind of love as well.

Happy 4th!


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