
Hey guys,

The past few days I have been thinking a lot again about Psalm 23. What has been resounding in my head yet again is the second verse "He makes me lie down in green pastures." And I know a lot of time there can be like this flowery goodness behind this Psalm but for me this line sometimes is a smack in the face because of those first three words - he makes me.

Guys I so often think I know what is best for me. I think I know my body best, know my mind best, know myself best, know my limits best, and the list goes on. When it comes to humans I think that is most true. I know myself better than any human does because I am a soul living in this body and I have learned to an extent to listen to how it feels. But I forget that that does not mean I know me - soul nor body - better than my Heavenly Father does.

And sometimes because I don't listen the first few times when he tells me to take a break he has to get me to see how much a need it.

I have been thinking about that because I am taking this week off from work. One because my birthday is this week and I don't like doing much of anything on my birthday ever. And two because I knew I would be new in my house. But it has also turned into a third reason - I am worn out and didn't realize how tired I am.

Last week at work I kept feeling like I wanted to cry or lash out at people for the dumbest, nothing things and I would think "Yup, I need a break." And then I thought about how it is a good thing I already had this time off planned or I would have kept working through my raw emotions and not fully present mental state. Because even though I think I know my limits I also know that I don't always like to admit my limits.

So having this time already planned to be off has been making me think that God knew and knows.

Guys, I don't know about you but I need that Good Shepherd. I can be a mindless sheep wandering into danger. And I need someone that will say "No, here is good. Now rest."

May you have time to rest with the Good Shepherd this week.


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