Speak Love

Hey there,

So I am thinking I might change to posting on Monday night's but we will see what happens. My mom put the idea in my mind awhile a go. And I am still thinking about it. I am more often than not in a better mood on Monday night after the week has started. But I am also usually tired after work and don't want to do a thing. So...who knows. I will keep you posted on what I decide, if I decide anything. I may just continue to post whenever I feel like it as long as it is once a week.

I just took a week off and I kind of wish it was longer. I mean it was nice to get into work and have the new librarian excited that I was back because she has been running the library alone for two days. And I kept telling myself that I had a whole week off so I couldn't be grouchy about being back at work.

I would like to think I did good at getting work done but also relaxing. The truth is that even when I was relaxing I was thinking about all the things I still wanted done at my house and thought I should get done over my staycation. But I also always have to remember that my body has limitations.

I was talking to mom a little about this. About how I never could have completed everything that she completed in 24 hours even if I had double the time.

Something that happens with a sick body like mine is that the amount of physical hard work I can do is limited. If I work hard on my house for half a day - which is about all my body will allow me to do without passing out - I will have to rest at least the rest of that day and all the following day. And in that half a day work I will most likely get about a fourth done of what a healthy person can do. Even on my best day my body will give out if I try to do more. It's just a fact of my life. It's not that I don't care about getting the work done. It is that I am physically unable too.

Knowing that for me was part of the reason buying a house was so scary because I thought how will I ever do this? And then add in that my family doesn't live right down the street and that makes it scary. But my parents have been incredible and helped me with so many things easing my mind on more than one occasion. And my mom has been endlessly encouraging which is so what I need when my mind tends to shoot right to the fear side of things.

Guys I seriously would be lost without my mom's encouragement. And so I guess I would remind you to speak encouragement into others as well. Because I tend to live in a lot of fear I tend to think others do to and speaking life into that is the best way to combat fear.

This week speak love.


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