Little Health Update

Hey there,

I don't have much to say this week but thought I should post something.

I feel better today than I have in at least two weeks. Yesterday I ended up taking most of the day off because I felt disgusting and eating made it worse. I had been dealing with nausea for over two weeks and after that amount of time I wanted to throw in the towel. So for the day I did.

And then last night around nine I remembered how one of my GI doctors said that the stomach med I am on again doesn't play well with others meaning that it can make things worse unless you take it at least 10 minutes before you take any of your other meds. So this morning I did that. I took my stomach med and it calmed down the little bit of nausea that I had and then I waited about half an hour and took my other meds and I was fine. I was even able to eat some breakfast which I have not been able to do for over two weeks.

How I feel today verse how I have felt the past two weeks is almost a complete turnaround. It's amazing and I am so happy I remembered that small little detail. Sometimes what can seem like the smallest thing can make the biggest difference.

And now back to eating so I can put back on the weight I lost over the past few weeks.


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