Over did it

Since we keep getting a lot of questions about the chemo I've been on I will try to address them...I had my last dose on Friday...it takes about 6 hours for the infusion to go in my body and it's so boring...not really painful...they give me Tylenol and Benadryl before hand to help me not have a reaction...that combo makes me super tired and if I don't get sleep...like I didn't the other day I get super cranky...the types of reactions they are trying to prevent is fever upset stomach any type of allergic reaction as well...no I will not lose my hair...it's too low a dose and I only had five doses whereas cancer patients has tons more than that...they put me through the chemo to kill my immune system...they do this so that when it builds back up it will not try to attack my new kidney as much...the immune system only knows the kidney as a foreign object not that it's helping so you have to trick it with chemo and anti-rejection meds...the chemo means that I should be on less meds...and it's something else they do to prevent rejection...the side effects I have been feeling is mostly that my body has broken out in zits all over and it's super disgusting...I also keep getting hot at night even with the ac cranked when I am trying to sleep...I am not sure if that is from the chemo or if that is from the general healing my body is trying to do right now...

Besides that I have been in quite a bit of pain the past few days...which means I have no patience for people...so sorry if I have snapped on you lately...I am going to use recently being cut open as an excuse...it seems like a pretty good one to me...I have been having more pain recently at my incision and below it where I am all bruised up...the pain could also have something to do with how i went a little over board on Friday but I'll get to that...

First you should know that I am so proud of my friends..I am not the most pleasant person to be around right now...and I am kind of boring to be around since I can't do much...but my friends keep coming around to see me...chilling with me to watch movies...or chat...or nap...I like that...Danny was here most of the week doing nothing with us...and Nicole as always was here when she wasn't at work...that girl has gotten good at taking care of me...which is a good thing but I feel bad that she has to do that...Garrett has been by too...just to check on me and or watch movies with me...quite a few other people stopped by...like Evan and Josie...I am so thankful that i have friends who would walk through this mess with me...they have been here through the good and bad so it's kind of nice to be able to celebrate with them now...even if I can't really celebrate that much yet...

Which brings me to Friday night...when I did celebrate...a little too much...we went up to Wisconsin for the night because my friend Seth was playing at Mountain of Praise...as was one of my all time favorite bands called The Crossing...they are a Celtic hippie band...I got to spend a lot of the night with my friend Deanna...we've been meeting up every summer at His Oasis and now MoP since we were four...she got me up and dancing to Justin St Thomas and the Funk Fresh Fellowship...also hippies...I probably should have said no to that...but I couldn't...and then I danced to The Crossing...because they played my song as their encore...I couldn't not dance to that song...for reals though...and now I am paying for it...I could barely get out of bed this morning to take my meds...and I have been in horrible pain all day...yesterday wasn't that good either...I kept getting light headed...I also have been feeling sick to my stomach on and off...all because I decided dancing was worth it...despite the pain I feel now from doing to much it was a great night...I did cry a little just because I was so happy to be there with my friends and to be able to experience more of life with them...I wanted to dance like the whole time...but I knew that would be the death of me...

It's like I keep forgetting that I just had major surgery and I need to take it easy...I'm not very good at the whole doing nothing thing...it's a challenge...and some days I feel like having this new kidney and feeling as good as I do (even with the pain) isn't real...I can drink and eat whatever I want to...I don't have to do dialysis...I don't blow up like a balloon from drinking too much water...I don't feel like I constantly need a nap...it's pretty crazy and feels like it isn't real...but I am glad it is...

Now if I just have to work on this whole relaxing thing...


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