Not much to report

So I don't really know what I want to post today...

Mom went to Peoria this week to meet some more people and have some more tests done but we won't know anything until sometime next week maybe...the results of this one will determine if we really get the ball rolling on transplant or also has a cold now too so that's no fun...

I am finally starting to feel better...which is nice...after a couple weeks of feeling super sick and not being able to get out of bed much...I have energy doctor had to change around my meds would appear my body doesn't like large doses of anything even if it is good for the iron IV I had to do...I felt like I was time the morning after I had the IV I felt like I couldn't move my legs...weird and painful...but now I am off it again and my blood count is up so I think maybe we will be ok for a while...

Besides that it seems like not much is going friends are coming home from college and I am excited to see them and get to spend some time with them...since I read the Harry Potter books without my best friend knowing we are now watching the movies together...and well I have been making fun of them...we've only watched the first two but I can't stop making remarks about everything and everyone...during the first movie I am pretty sure I laughed at "Baby Daniel" twenty plus times...and during the second movie I said that the giant snake reminded me of the lizard from "Rescuers Down Under" know the cartoon movie with the mice...if you haven't seen those movies you really should...they are classics...also during the second one my brother Garrett was there and he was making fun of me for how often I said I loved Snape/Alan Rickman...seriously though he's's possible I said that more than twenty times too...I'm a nerd girl though so it happens...

I just have been trying to chill so far this summer classes which is weird because when I did online through GCU I felt like I was doing those classes non-stop and did take some summer class so I could get all the classes I without that this summer has been slow so far...but transplant is coming up...along with Mountain of Praise and right now it's sort of like the quiet before the storm and I think I am ok with that...

Ask me how I am doing in like a month though and I might be freakin out...transplant time feels like it is getting so get your BB shirts ready so you can send me pictures that day...can't wait to see the support from all of you...


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