Just Some Ridiculous Things

Just so you know I am posting this while E! Live from the Red Carpet is on commercial for the Grammy's. I love awards shows. Well watching them. I don't really think I would ever want to actually go. I 'm a bit of a hermit.

I had a doctor's appointment this week and it was so good to laugh with my doctor about how good I am doing. It feels good to to hear him say I am the healthiest he has ever seen me. That put me in such a good mood.

This week I have been sending videos to my brother Kenny. At least I hope they have been getting trough. My Skype doesn't always like to send messages or videos. It's annoying. But I send Kenny videos about silly things, sad things, really anything. Mostly I just hope he gets them and laughs because I am ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous. I love ridiculous things such as books, movies, or TV shows. You know what I am talking about. The things you watch and think "what is the point of this." I just love laughing at those types of silly things. There have been many TV shows that I have watched that haven't even lasted a whole season and I have probably been one of very few people watching it. I say this in part because I watched one of those shows with my parents the other night. After it was over mom said, "I'm sorry BB but I don't see this show lasting very long." And I watch the show knowing full well that is the truth.

I have been thinking about this even more recently because more and more people have been asking me to read some of the other things I write. When people ask me that I think not just that I am nervous about that but also that the type of genre I write is not really what they normal read or would want to read. See I write what I love and as I just stated I love silly ridiculous things. That means that other than my life story I write stories that wouldn't ever be considered the next great novel. They are the types of books you would find in the young adults sections of books stores and libraries. I like to think they are more like Meg Cabot books. Books that I read that keep making me laugh over and over with these strong female characters who often find themselves in all kinds of blunders.

So when I think about that and what my friends and family mostly read I can't help but think that my books would never normally be on their bookshelves if they didn't know me. Which makes me even more nervous to share what I have been working on with them. I don't want them to feel like they have to read something they don't enjoy just because my name is on it.

Don't worry, that doesn't stop me from writing. It just makes me more nervous to share it.

Hope you are having as good of a week as me.


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