
I always feel at a loss of what I am going to write about when getting back from camp. Not because I have nothing to write about but because I have too much to write about. Because God, as always, showed up in giant ways and I cannot contain his greatness or the things that he does in a few words. Nor can I tell all the stories about lives that were changed, hearts that were opened, wounds that are longing to be healed, or redemption being found.

This week was a hard one for me personally. I usually go into camp knowing all my cabiners on some level, that was not the case this year. And then on Thursday the flood-gates opened and some of my cabiners revealed that they were dealing with some truly heartbreaking things. Things that have me still shaken to my core and hurting with them. Instead of ugly crying this year over my health, I ugly cried for the lives of my girls, for the trials of their young lives that are already weighing on them.

And then there was the doubt that filled me most of the week. Doubt in my voice. A doubt that I have not really had before. And that doubt spilled into other areas of my life as well. I wish I could say it didn't but it did. The nice thing is that with that doubt came more responsibility at camp and more faith in me from those around me. I find that for me when I am doubting, having leaders who believe in me can help restore confidence. While in my doubting of my voice I was also reminded of something a friend said long ago, "God doesn't tell us to stop singing if we don't have a perfect voice." And so I did my best to praise my savior whole heartedly even if I felt like my voice wasn't there.

And then there were the times of seeing the staff hurting or crying as we were/are dealing with some heavy things and doing our best to be open about who we have been and who we are now in Christ. Some of the staff was part of a cardboard testimony as part of the Friday chapel/bonfire time. Around 15 of us showed our testimonies while the songs "Nothing is Wasted" by Jason Gray and "Your Love is Strong" by Jon Foreman played.

And through all this I know that the Holy Spirit is at work. I am always amazed that he would use us or even let us see him at work.

And lest you think the week was all serious we did also have a lot of fun. The weather was beyond perfect even if the mosquitoes were horrible.

And the river went down so the boat could come and the kids could wake board and whatever else.

And Grace was amazing with craft time and not just for bringing crafts back to senior camp after years away but also because all the kids that did them loved them. She even had to get more supplies!

And Kenny was as funny as ever naming a group of kids bro-tanks anonymous and giving "public service announcements" along with funny stories.

And Chris and Rich brought great messages on Jonah and James that both the staff and the campers loved. I am so grateful that God sent his message through those messengers. 

And I could not have been prouder of how Graham and Garrett were with Jacob from Park Hills. Their tender care of him and their love for him, and not just theirs but the whole camp was beautiful to witness.

It was a tough week at times, which truly means it was a good week, and it has been a privilege to be a part of God's work.


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