
As I am sure you have seen from the photos on Facebook some major demos have begun on mom and dad's new house.

I thought I would answer some already commonly asked questions - except where its at - I'm not posting that on my blog.

Yes it is a small house. They plan to add onto the back and put the bedrooms and bathrooms there. They are opening up almost all of the original house.

Yes the built ins are all going. I know they were pretty. We kind of thought they were a bit pretty too but they took up way to much space. Mom and dad want an open concept, giant built ins don't help with that. Also dad needs to be able to get everywhere to a wheel chair since you know he is missing a foot.

Yes they bought a crappy house for cheap. They bought it because it comes with an acre and 1/3. It's pretty much all wooded and drops down to a gulley. It's sort of like having a park in our backyard even though it can be a little tough to explore because of the drop off.

Yes there is room to put an addition before the drop off.

No they are not using the current garage for a garage in the future. That will be part of the add on. They are starting that this week hopely.

They plan to move maybe sometime in Nov. but it all depends on what they can get done.

We don't really have work days planned. We just go over when we can. If you want to help text mom or dad and they can tell you week by week or even day by day when someone might be over there working.

No I am not over doing it. I saw my doctor this week and he said he didn't care how heavy of things I lifted. He knows I know my limits - he trusts me. All he said is he wants me to wear a mask at all times in the house during construction because of all the dust. I do take quite a lot of breaks and I go and sit with dad as he supervises since he starts to hurt bad if he is on his leg too much.

And if you ask me something I don't know how to answer I will say ask mom and dad.

So far it has been a fun project and adventure.

I have a few other things to share really quick -

My birthday is coming up in a few days.I never would have imagined I would live this long. I know some people would say I am still young and I am but I really never thought I would live as long as I have. Also I like it when people celebrate moms on birthdays cause they did the work. So if you think of it remember to congratulate my mom for birthing me. I was stubborn from the start.

And in other news - My diploma came in the mail this week!!!! I almost peed my pants when I saw it. Gosh it feel good to be done and to have a piece of paper in my hands that says I am done. I know it isn't nearly as important as my transcripts but it still feels dang good!

This "healthy" life so far is turning out to be a pretty grand adventure!


  1. Replies
    1. I love that you comment on my blog and that you get sooooo excited about everything! <3 <3 <3


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