Full to the Brim

It's been a long but a good weekend.

Around Tuesday I got sick with the cold and tried to deny it. But by Thursday I couldn't stop blowing my nose and there was no way around it. Which was unfortunate because that means I was sick during my sisters wedding - that I was in.

Thursday was full of finishing stuff for the wedding followed by rehearsal and dinner followed by the bachelorette party.
Friday was the wedding madness.
Saturday was the brunch for opening the gifts followed by sleeping for three hours and missing the second wedding of the weekend. My cousin got married not far from where my sister's wedding was the night before.
And today - Sunday - we went over to mom and dad's new house to clean it up a bit since the people the lived in it died over four years ago and the family was taking care of the estate. Which in this case means the house was still full of stuff.

I am on my fourth day of blowing my nose all the time so it's redder than red and it hurts a lot.

And though I would normally try to sleep through the type of sickness it was worth it to be out of bed. Because I got to stand by my sister on one of the most important days of her life.

If we get a video of the speech I gave I will post it. I kind of brought down the house - hahahaha- ok so it wasn't that good but I did make people laugh. A lot of people said that my speech and the best man's (Phil) speech were really good. Which makes me feel good for both us of and like all those writing classes we took together paid off. I can't remember all of what I said anymore but I kept it light.

And if you will allow me I would like to get a little sappy for a few moments.

It was really nice to celebrate such a happy occasion even if all didn't go as planned. Our family is pretty used to things not going as planned. We've had a lot of ups and downs, probably more downs. And yet we still manage to find things to celebrate in all the madness. It was nice to not have to find something to celebrate but to instead be able to focus solely on the celebrating part and not worry about anything else. And I am glad I could be there for my big sister and her new hubby.

Congrats you two! I'm so thankful I can be around to celebrate you! 


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