Nothing Much

I'm not really sure what to post.

I'm still volunteering during the week. Things are going well at the high school. We are working on a few different projects so that keeps me busy. At the society we have been working with some kids from a local Catholic school. It's seven kids ranging from 2nd grade to 8th. We've been doing some genealogy stuff with them. It's been a good learning experience for me because the genealogy class got canceled when I tried to take it. It's been good for me to work with the kids and experience the different ways that they learn.

I also got to use my searching knowledge this week when my brother called to ask me how to search something. I really liked that he asked me that. I feel like I am always the one going to him for help since he is always fixing my car. I liked being able to give him an answer. I also liked that he was up to his old tricks of just calling me to make me laugh. I like hearing that excitement in his voice when he has something to tell me he thinks is funny.

I got to see my sister for a bit this week too which is kind of unusual since she is busy all the time. I did lured her over to my apartment with the promise of clothes and shoes from my closet. It was fun to see her and hear from her about how life is going and even do some reminiscing.

In other news my brother Gar reminded me to post about my meds. My body is settling down a bit after the new ones were added. I am still having headaches. Some are because I need to go to the chiropractor for a neck adjustment and some are from the meds. I do feel like I have been more forgetful than normal. Which can be a side effect but at least I am not getting physically sick from it. My stomach doesn't act up when I eat when I remember to take the before meals med. So most days I feel pretty good.  

The week started off with snow day and a Disney movie marathon and continued to bare gifts. And I kind of like that I don't have much to report because it means that life is quieter than it was two years ago when I was on dialysis. I like sitting on this side of the chaos. 


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