After Moving Day

Health update - I have been feeling better since starting this medication. The side effects were a little rough at first but I think my body has adjusted since I have been feeling much better and have energy again.

Mom and Dad moved into their newly remodeled house this weekend and I am so happy for them. They have needed a one story house for a few years since they have been talking about it even before Dad's accident. We have already created so many fun memories and stories to tell during the renovation that I can't wait to see what other adventures this house has for our family.

Often during this move I have felt like other people have been more attached to my parents house than my family. Sure my brother, sister and I all grew up in that house and we had a lot of fun memories in that house. But a four bedroom, two level house was too much house for my parents to live in alone. In the past few years instead of being able to remember the fun times in the house we've just been seeing how the house has been limiting to my parents.

Seeing this house take shape and become what my parents have dreamed of and more has been a clear reminder of how good God is.

Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. - Joshua 21:45


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