Because it's been a rough week...

First let me say there have been good moments this week for example -
One of the girls from my group of friends that I grew up with since around our grade school days got married and we laughed about how less than a handful of girls from that group are still single. That made us feel like adults.
I was also able to get an appointment set for a endoscope with my GI. Bonus it's on the same day as another appointment in Peoria so we don't have to drive that way twice in one month.
And on my roughest day this week my mom sent out a text or something to a bunch of my friends who responded with an outpouring of love that was so needed.

So I feel weird talking about what has been going on with me for a while but I keep telling myself that I strive to be honest about my life. One of the reasons I try to be honest on here is so that maybe others see that they are not alone in their set backs in life or in their depression or in their health issues.

With that being said here's why this week has been rough.

After bleeding continuously from my lady business for more than fifteen days I decided to call my gynecologists office on Monday. Over the phone they seemed worried and got me in as soon as they could which was the next morning. My doctor seemed worried and ordered some different tests but didn't seem sure as to why I was bleeding so much. Something like that is unpredictable but having other people seem worried can be rough to handle when you are already worried. After that I stopped by the high school to tell mom that I had some different tests to do but no real news yet and then left crying because it is always hard to hear that there is no simple answer for things. That was the day that my phone received more texts in a day then I get in a month. Wednesday brought an ultrasound. Thursday brought the results of the tests and no real answers. But it also brought a new med - birth control - that has stopped the bleeding. We still don't know why I was bleeding but a family history of gynecological problems could have something to do with it.

This was a time when I welcomed a new medication because bleeding that much for that long is never a good thing. Then I got the med and it is the smallest pill I have ever had to take. I told mom that usually my smallest pill is when I have to cut one in half but this pill is like the size of a half of a half.

Not bleeding all the time has been a weight off my shoulders that I didn't even really realize was there.

Because I know people have been continuously praying for my health - Thank you. I attribute the fact that so many things happened so quickly this week to you. Making doctors appointments hardly ever comes as easily as they did this week - you did that.
To my friends who texted me that day - I am so thankful for everyone's encouragement and love. You all helped turn my day around.
And I am thankful for a momma who can speak for me and my pain when I cannot.


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