Health Updates and a Kookaburra

Health news of the day - I'm grouchy because my body is being nuts as per usual. I thought that the birth control was going well. However this morning I had some bleeding while still being on the pink pills which means I shouldn't be bleeding. Though being frustrated with my body is not a new thing it does not make it any less frustrating. This week was actually a pretty good one but this set back today feels like it majorly overshadows everything because WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY BODY!!!!!!!!!!!

In upcoming health news - I am heading to Peoria later this week for a check up with my kidney doctor and my yearly endoscope to look at the mess that I call my digestive system. For those who need a refresher on that I have polyps that grow in my duodenum (that's where the stomach connects to the small intestine). Though these polyps have never been cancerous they do cause a lot of pain when they get big because they make it hard for food to be passed from my stomach to the rest of my system. So every year I have them removed and every year they come back due in part because of the medications I am on. They cannot do anything to stop them from growing because I need those medications and I need that part of my digestive system. This week is just a scope not a removal. The removal will probably be sometime next month and will be scheduled after my GI doctor sees what kind of hot mess he is dealing with in there.

Ok lets shake that off and get positive.

This week was a pretty typical week. I did my normal volunteering minus one day because my car was in the shop getting new brakes. Though I didn't get the job in town I wanted I did apply for some more jobs that I think I am better qualified for. I have also been better at remembering to take my before meals pill (it is a fast dissolving pill that coats the walls of your digestive system to get rid of some of the pain of eating when you have intestinal polyps). That means that I have actually been eating this week and not been in horrible pain after. Being able to eat is always a plus.

And then when I am really feeling down I do like I did today at Mom and Dad's after lunch and watch this video...

PS - you have to go to youtube to watch it :)

I really have no clue why this makes me so happy but it does. Maybe you will enjoy hearing a kookaburra "laugh" too.


  1. HAHAHAHHA that Kookaburra kills me!! It sounds a lot like me when I laugh! I think I'll just join a family of wild kookaburras!! You can come if you want!

    1. Hahaha how about I just come visit you and your Kookaburra family :)


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