
Let's get these health updates out of the way - I have not seen my GI yet. He has been out of town on vacation but I should get a call in the next few days to set an appointment time up. I am hoping I can schedule it the same day that I have an appointment with my kidney doctor since we will already be in Peoria that day. In other news I also need to call my gynecologist because I have been having some gynecological problems which is really no surprise seen there is a history of that in my family. Though it is normal in my family it is still annoying to have to deal with.

I will say it ended up being for the best that I ended up not being able to go see my GI for an endoscope because I came down with a cold. Often times when you are sick they will reschedule you. It is possible that my mom and dad are now coming down with a cold while I think I am mostly over it. But then again this cold keeps tricking me by making me feel like I am getting better then hammering me with another wave of sickness.

For those wondering - I have not heard anything about the job or any of the other jobs I have applied for. That's a bit nerve wracking but I am trying to trust that God will come through as he always does. Not to say this all isn't a bit discouraging at the moment but he knows me and he knows what I need and I have to continue to try to rest in that.

Since I have been sick this week has mostly consisted of staying in and watching movies.

Today however I did get to spend time with my family which I always love doing. Since mom and dad have been looking for house for the past few years we have heard for the past few years at holidays things like "Next Christmas we will be in a new house" or other similar things. It was nice to hear that this time and know that that is true since they actually have a house this time. We even stopped by the house today and Mikey and Spencer moved the new stove to the new house. Overall it was a pretty chill day a lot of which was spent outside playing with the boys.

It was a pretty perfect way to celebrate that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive.

Hope you all had wonderful days as well.


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